[GSoC 2024] Improving the Userland Debugging Experience - Progress Report #2

Blog post by trungnt2910 on Sun, 2024-07-28 00:00

Project status overview

Completed tasks

The GDB port is feature-complete. A recipe has been submitted to HaikuPorts.

This took a bit longer than expected due to complexities in building the full GDB compared to gdbserver - all of which will be covered in the technical details section below. Subtle bugs revealed by invoking the debugger in different use cases delayed the project even more.

Despite being off schedule, I believe delivering a fully-functional GDB along with comprehensive documentation around it would benefit the community much more in the long run.

Current plans

Due to the massive queue of bug reports (thanks waddlesplash and X512 for helping me test GDB beyond the common use cases in the CLI), I will continue focusing on fixing the port. With the recipes already created, the project can move on to the next stage when the bug queue clears.

Technical details

Native-dependent vs. Target-dependent

Unlike gdbserver, which is designed to only run natively on the “target” OS/architecture combination, the full GDB can run either natively or as a frontend to a remote gdbserver or other programs using a compatible protocol.

Code that is designed to run only when GDB is using the native target is called “native-dependent” code, or nat. These files are either named "$os-nat.c" or "$arch-$os-nat.c". Files that implement a major feature, such as forking a new process or reading OS data, are located in a separate nat/ folder, in which case they may be named differently. Files designated as “native-dependent” are handled specially in GDB’s build scripts, since only these files are allowed to call the OS’s native facilities.

All the other OS-specific code in GDB is “target-dependent”. Target-dependent code can be located in files with tdep in its name, but they can also be elsewhere, such as solib-haiku.c. Target-dependent code will be compiled for all OSes GDB supports (e.g. haiku-tdep.c gets built on Linux) and therefore cannot directly access OS-specific native facilities like get_next_image_info. The previous GDB port did not respect this design, potentially causing issues with remote debugging.

tdep code mostly relies on information left in the address space: Magic symbols/sections in loaded binaries or pages loaded at fixed addresses. Haiku has none of these: Image and area information is stored in the kernel and the whole address space (including the commpage) is randomized by default. Image information is also kept by runtime_loader in an undocumented _rld_debug_ area, which is a potential gold mine of debugging info if the data could be parsed. However, getting the address of the page would require access to get_next_area_info.

Another way to overcome this restriction is to indirectly access native facilities through xfer queries. Depending on the inferior type, the replies will come from the nat code in GDB itself or from the remote gdbserver. This is how solib-haiku.c works - issuing xfer queries for the library list. For categories not predefined in the xfer interface, osdata queries can be (ab)used. This will be covered in the sections below.

GDB selects the correct target-dependent implementation through a series of “ABI sniffers”. These functions typically detect traces left by compilers in the loaded executable. On Haiku, the tdep code checks for _gSharedObjectHaikuVersion - a private variable attached to all images, used by runtime_loader for handling ABI compatibility.

Shared object handling

On other UNIX-like OSes, the list of shared objects is retrieved from certain magic symbols present in the dynamic loader.

Haiku’s runtime_loader actually does store such information in runtime_loader in the _rld_debug_ page, but for reasons discussed above, it is hard to harvest information there.

We therefore rely on the target to indirectly call get_next_image_info and serialize that into xfer packets. Most callbacks in solib-haiku.c are just calls to the counterparts in solib-target.c, except when the special commpage image is involved.

Signal frame stepping

GDB has the ability to step past signal frames, revealing the stack trace before being interrupted by a signal. To do this, the tdep code must tell GDB how to:

  • Determine whether the current instruction pointer lies in the signal handler trampoline.
  • Determine where on the stack (or other process memory) the signal context information is.
  • Determine the offsets of CPU registers from the start of the signal context information.

Signal frame handling on Haiku

For most architectures, when a signal handler is called, the kernel gives control to a trampoline on the commpage. The trampoline is a C++ function baked into the kernel image, which is then copied into the commpage and registered as commpage_signal_handler().

The function is given an argument of struct signal_frame_data, a private structure:

struct signal_frame_data {
	siginfo_t	info;
	ucontext_t	context;
	void*		user_data;
	void*		handler;
	bool		siginfo_handler;
	int32		thread_flags;
	uint64		syscall_restart_return_value;
	uint8		syscall_restart_parameters[SYSCALL_RESTART_PARAMETER_SIZE];
	void*		commpage_address;

This structure is pushed on the stack. Below the structure, the kernel pushes the instruction pointer of the previous frame. After that, the signal handler pushes an additional 8 bytes for the base pointer (rbp).

Therefore, given the frame’s stack pointer, the offset to the context we need would be rsp + sizeof(addr_t) + sizeof(addr_t) + offsetof(signal_frame_data, context). However, being private, the layout of signal_frame_data may change anytime. siginfo_t may also potentially enlarge, shifting the context member, what we need, away. That said, GDB is known to store magic offsets of private structures for other targets as well, so I believe doing the same for Haiku is fine, at least until it breaks.

Synthesizing the commpage image

Most OSes implement signal frame detection by searching for a specific function name. On Haiku, we can search for commpage_signal_handler on commpage. However, commpage is not a normal ELF image and cannot be parsed by GDB’s binary format library, BFD.

To register commpage as a shared object and allow the instruction pointer to symbol functions to work, we need to synthesize the commpage BFD object. We do so by hooking the bfd_open callback in solib-haiku.c when the filename matches commpage instead of an absolute path.

We also need to write symbols to this artificial image. The commpage itself has no symbol information. Symbols are registered to the kernel when the system’s copy of the commpage is initialized. We therefore need to ask the target to report this information through a special OS data query.

OS data

This functionality powers the info os command in the GDB frontend. As discussed above, this is also a powerful interface allowing tdep code to retrieve arbitrary system information from the target. Therefore, this functionality plays a vital role in the port for Haiku.

The nat code of each OS can determine which OS data categories are avaiable. For Haiku, this is declared in nat/haiku-osdata.c.

(gdb) info os
Type        Description
areas       Listing of all areas
comm        Listing of all symbols on the system commpage
cpus        Listing of all CPUs/cores on the system
files       Listing of all file descriptors
images      Listing of all images
ports       Listing of all ports
sems        Listing of all semaphores
sockets     Listing of all sockets
teams       Listing of all teams
threads     Listing of all threads

The nat code is free to decide which attributes to report for each category. However, its reply must be serialized into XML.

Private syscalls

nat/haiku-osdata.c serializes data by providing a callback to a very clean-looking for_each_* function. For example:

        for_each_commpage_symbol ([&] (const commpage_symbol_info &info) {
          std::string type;
          if (info.is_function)
            type += "f";
          if (info.is_object)
            type += "o";

          string_xml_appendf (buffer,
                              "<column name=\"name\">%s</column>"
                              "<column name=\"value\">%s</column>"
                              "<column name=\"size\">%s</column>"
                              "<column name=\"type\">%s</column>"
                              info.name, pulongest (info.value),
                              pulongest (info.size), type.c_str ());

          return 0;

Some of these for_each_* functions are wrappers to get_next_*. Recall in the last blog post that, because of name clashes, only nat/haiku-nat.c is allowed to call get_next_* and other Haiku-specific funtions. Therefore, all the for_each_* are implemented in nat/haiku-nat.c.

However, some of for_each_* might have something much more evil under the hood: Raw _kern_* syscalls. _kern_* functions are normal functions exported by libroot.so. Pulling raw syscalls is as simple as copying the prototype from headers/private/system/syscalls.h. However, while less volatile than syscall numbers, the names of _kern_* functions may change anytime, such as during the great user_mutex refactor renaming _kern_mutex_unlock to _kern_mutex_unblock. This causes runtime_loader to refuse all previous direct consumers of updated raw syscalls - a huge issue if the binary is to be distributed on HaikuPorts.

To avoid this, references to raw syscalls in nat/haiku-nat.c are imported as weak symbols. If they update, outdated ports of GDB will get a null pointer, allowing optional features to gracefully fail. For example:

extern "C" status_t _kern_read_kernel_image_symbols (
    image_id id, elf_sym *symbolTable, int32 *_symbolCount, char *stringTable,
    size_t *_stringTableSize, addr_t *_imageDelta) __attribute__ ((weak));

/* Consumer.  */
for_each_commpage_symbol (
    const std::function<int (const commpage_symbol_info &info)> &callback)
  if (_kern_read_kernel_image_symbols == nullptr)
      haiku_nat_debug_printf (
          "Failed to issue read_kernel_image_symbols syscall.");
      errno = ENOSYS;
      return -1;
  /* More code...  */


The commpage contains functions useful for certain debugging scenarios. When creating the original commpage (the “system” commpage image belonging to the kernel team), the kernel registers these functions as symbols.

The Haiku internal syscall _kern_read_kernel_image_symbols can be used to read these symbols from the system commpage. This is also what Haiku’s internal Debug Kit is using when dealing with the commpage.

Note that for the syscall to work, the system commpage (obtained by looping get_next_image_info on B_SYSTEM_TEAM) needs to be passed. Using the image_id of a regular team’s commpage would fail.


Haiku has an undocumented syscall, _kern_get_next_fd_info, to obtain information about open file descriptors:

/* Derived from headers/private/system/vfs_defs.h.  */
struct fd_info
  int number;
  int32 open_mode;
  dev_t device;
  ino_t node;

status_t _kern_get_next_fd_info (team_id team, uint32 *_cookie,
                                 fd_info *info, size_t infoSize);

This call is the core of Haiku’s fdinfo tool.

The syscall works exactly the same as other get_next_[*]_info syscalls, filling in fd_info structures. However, these structures do not contain the open file’s path, a detail developers usually pay attention to.

nat/haiku-nat.c currently tries to obtain the path from the device and node fields using _kern_entry_ref_to_path. However, this syscall only works on directories. On any other files, the call would fail with B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. Therefore, only the paths of open directories are displayed when the user issues a info os files command.


Another similar undocumented syscall on Haiku is _kern_get_next_socket_stat, powering Haiku’s implementation of netstat:

/* Derived from headers/private/net/net_stat.h.  */
struct net_stat
  int family;
  int type;
  int protocol;
  char state[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH];
  team_id owner;
  struct sockaddr_storage address;
  struct sockaddr_storage peer;
  size_t receive_queue_size;
  size_t send_queue_size;

status_t _kern_get_next_socket_stat (int family, uint32 *cookie,
                                     struct net_stat *stat);

Unlike many of the get_next_[*]_info calls, this syscall does not take a team_id parameter, despite these sockets still having an apparent “owner” team. When -1 is passed to the family parameter, the syscall loops through all socket families (unix, inet, inet6).

Depending on the socket family returned, nat/haiku-nat.c applies the appropriate conversion to format the addresses to human-readable strings.


No more hacky private syscalls - CPU information on Haiku can be fetch using get_system_info to get the system CPU count followed by a call to get_cpu_info. However, get_cpu_info only returns a few generic fields:

typedef struct {
    bigtime_t  active_time; /* usec of doing useful work since boot */
    bool       enabled;
    uint64     current_frequency;
} cpu_info;

Many details like the architecture or vendor are not included. To do this, we would need to use the get_cpu_topology_info syscall. This would give the caller a flattened version of the CPU topology tree with the following levels:

  • B_TOPOLOGY_ROOT: The top level. One for the system. Contains the CPU architecture.
  • B_TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE: One for each physical core. Contains the vendor and L1 cache size.
  • B_TOPOLOGY_CORE: One for each logical core. Contains the default CPU frequency.
  • B_TOPOLOGY_SMT: The leaf level.

The rest

The rest of the OS data (areas, images, ports, sems, teams, and threads) are retrieved using the corresponding standard get_next_[*]_info syscalls.

To prevent name clashes, the info structs’ fields are copied to similar structs defined in nat/haiku-nat.h. The new structs also use GDB-native data types, such as CORE_ADDR instead of a void*.


While osdata seems to be a powerful method to overcome the restrictions in tdep code, this functionality should be used with caution due to the performance impact. osdata fetches information of all images, areas, and other objects system-wide, instead of just the one process we are interested in. On top of that, all of that data needs to go through a round of XML serialization and deserialization.

When invoked by the user, many osdata queries also have formatting issues due to GDB not handling column widths correctly. A similar issue also occurs on Linux, and there is no way for the nat code handling osdata to specify the column width.

Memory maps

info mem

haiku-nat.c implements a target operation named memory_map. This operation is what powers the info mem command in GDB.

All memory regions returned by this implementation is marked read/write. Despite many of the regions are read-only from the inferior’s perspective, from GDB’s perspective, all valid mappings can be read from and written to. For the purpose of memory_map, read-only mappings refer to actual read-only hardware rather than just protected RAM regions.

GDB uses the result of this function to check whether it could perform an operation on the target’s address space. Failing to report a mapped region or reporting it as read-only would affect the ability to set software breakpoints.

GDB does not refresh its view of memory regions unless this view is explicitly invalidated using invalidate_target_mem_regions. This function should be called when a significant change in memory regions potentially affects breakpoint locations, such as during image loaded/deleted events.

info proc mappings

info_proc is also implemented for Haiku. info proc mappings should be the preferred way for the user to get an up-to-date list of mappings. The command also reports correct area protections instead of just rw for everything.

Thread creation

When a debugged team spawns a new thread, Haiku issues a B_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE_THREAD_CREATED. The origin is the caller thread, not the new thread itself. If the B_TEAM_DEBUG_STOP_NEW_THREADS is set on the team, Haiku will then issue a B_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE_THREAD_DEBUGGED message as the first event originating from the new thread.

Previously, nat/haiku-nat.c converted the Haiku THREAD_CREATED event directly to a GDB THREAD_CREATED event of the same thread, and the THREAD_DEBUGGED event directly to a trap. This causes the event loop to receive a bogus THREAD_CREATED event (because the thread reporting it should have been running) and an unwanted SIGTRAP every time a new thread actually starts.

Now, new threads that are referenced in a previous B_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE_THREAD_CREATED event will have a special flag set. If this flag is set, the first B_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE_THREAD_DEBUGGED event on the thread will be translated to TARGET_WAITKIND_THREAD_CREATED instead of a trap.

Relocation & Breakpoints

All Haiku executables are compiled as ELF shared objects, requiring relocation at runtime.

Many GDB use cases involve setting breakpoints on the main image before execution. Without knowing the offsets, GDB would try to insert breakpoints at addresses relative to 0x0. When the target starts execution, the debugger would try to write to these invalid addresses. It would then fail, preventing execution from continuing.

To prevent this issue, for targets with relocatable main executables, GDB provides disable_breakpoints_before_startup to delay committing breakpoints into the target address space. When relocation is finished, the handler can call enable_breakpoints_after_startup.

Haiku’s nat code calls disable_breakpoints_before_startup right after a new inferior is created and when the main executable is unloaded (which usually means an upcoming exec event). Then, after the debugger successfully attaches or handles the exec event, the nat code will re-enable the breakpoints. This will only be done if the current executable reported by the target’s OS matches the one known by GDB. Otherwise, if the inferior if executed through a wrapper shell, GDB might commit the breakpoints too early, corrupting the address space of that shell.

“Non-stop” and “All-stop” debugging

By default, GDB functions in “all-stop” mode. When a thread hits a debugger event, the whole process is stopped. When the user wishes to resume, the whole process is resumed.

“Non-stop” mode does not stop the whole process when a thread hits an event. All non-signalled threads continue running as usual. Because the other threads are still running, many operations such as inspecting registers or the stack trace would not work.

Haiku’s Debugger API only works in non-stop mode. However, debugging in non-stop mode or emulation of all-stop on top of non-stop in GDB is tied to another feature, asynchronous event handling. This feature requires all debugger events to be representable as a pollable file descriptor. The wait target_op method will not be called unless poll marks the provided FD.

On ptrace-based OSes, this is done by handling the SIGCHLD sent to the tracer every time a tracee hits an event. The signal handler writes a pipe, marking the FD as ready for the next poll in the event loop.

Haiku does not send the debugger SIGCHLD or similar signals. Furthermore, ports are used instead of FDs for communicating with the debugger. A potential solution is to put all open debugger ports into an event_queue, then return the file descriptor of that queue to the event loop. However, this file descriptor type on Haiku currently does not support polling.

Initially, I intended to leave this unimplemented until doing such a thing is possible. However, the feature turned out to be essential. Trying to run with a non-stop backend while claiming to be all-stop would trigger various subtle bugs and assertion failures. Therefore, for now, I am implementing asynchronous mode using a worker thread with a wait_for_objects loop. Every time a port is reported to be readable, the thread writes to a pipe whose read end is polled by the main loop.

Implementing this feature leads to more subtle bugs which are still under investigation.

Debug logging

To aid debugging the debugger, GDB does not remove debug logging from release builds. Verbose logging can be enabled using set debug [categoryname] on.

In the previous phase and in the original port, a TRACE macro was used to debug Haiku-specific code. This macro is set to do nothing in release builds.

Now, the macro has been replaced by a haiku_nat_debug_printf macro which conditionally prints information if logging for Haiku’s nat code is enabled. This information contains all debugger events GDB receives, all converted events returned by haiku_nat::wait, and other traces useful for debugging.

To enable logging for Haiku’s nat code, use:

set debug haiku-nat on


I hope you enjoyed this blog! Or at least, I hope this can serve as a good reference for any future maintenance.

I might have left some points behind, if there are any questions about any part of my port, please leave them in the comments section.

Appendix - Pull requests/patches

As usual, this is an overview of code submitted during this phase.



