Whenever possible, the Haiku project tries to be self-hosted. This is not without constraints for a project with limited resources, and sometimes the official hosting is not accessible.
I created a script to generate a mirror and be able to access the information when the main site is not accessible: https://barbel.synology.me/haiku/
I use the following Bash script :
# Change the following values to configure your mirror
# Path to the Hugo binary
# The mirror website title
MIRROR_TITLE="Haiku Project (Yann64's Mirror)"
# The mirror base URL (must end with a slash '/')
# Server base directory
# Full path for Haiku site mirror
# Update main site to latest version
echo "==> Clone website from the official repository :"
git clone https://github.com/haiku/website.git
cd website
sed -i "s/title = \"Haiku Project\"/title = \"$MIRROR_TITLE\"/" ./config.toml
sed -i "s@baseURL = \"https://www.haiku-os.org/\"@baseURL = \"$MIRROR_BASEURL\"@" ./config.toml
# Uncomment following lines if you want to change tickets source information
#sed -i "s@'https://cgit.haiku-os.org/haiku/commit/?id='@'https://git.barbel.synology.me/Haiku/haiku/commit/'@" ./static/js/activity.js
#sed -i "s@https://cgit.haiku-os.org/haiku/log/@https://git.barbel.synology.me/Haiku/haiku/commits/branch/master@ " ./themes/shijin4/layouts/partials/home.html
echo "==> Site generation using Hugo :"
echo "==> Copy files to destination forlder: "$MIRROR_LOCALPATH
cd public
cp -r ./images $MIRROR_ROOTPATH
echo "==> Cleaning"
cd ../..
rm -rf ./website
# Update userguide to latest version
echo "==> Clone userguide from the official repository :"
git clone "https://review.haiku-os.org/userguide"
cd userguide
echo "==> Copy files to destination forlder: $MIRROR_LOCALPATH/docs"
cp -r * "$MIRROR_LOCALPATH/docs"
echo "==> Cleaning"
cd ..
rm -rf ./userguide
echo "Done !"